miscarriage blog: babyfruit - the miscarriage diaries

miscarriage obsessions, celebrity miscarriage, miscarriage in the news...survival for the miscarrying woman. For complete blog, go to Babyfruit.com


Miscarriage Blogs in General

Regarding miscarriage blogs and copyrights, there is some good discussion happening behind the scenes again in comments, and I wanted to bring it forward.

Regarding miscarriage blogs and specifically Chez Miscarriage and how Chez removed the archives to her blog, everyone has the right to do whatever the heck they want with their blog, however, her reason for removing them is bugging the snot out of me.

Here are some of my thoughts:

I think there has to be some balance here.

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Chez Miscarriage: Maternity Leave

Link: Chez Miscarriage: Maternity Leave.

Hmmm...Someone pointed out that Chez of took away her archives. Now I do take issue with that. It is one thing stopping your blog, but the beauty of the blogosphere is that the archives - which those by Chez have proven to be well-read and valuable - can remain forever.

She points out that she began blogging anonymously and maintained her anonymity. There is no harm done, no risk of exposure keeping up her archives for the good of miscarrying women and the people who love them.

Rethinking her miscarriage blog or reconfiguring it - that makes sense. But blogs are cheap and easy. She can create an entirely new one if she wishes. But to remove her archives - that is like burning a library of important reference, that is like carving out a heart that still beats for many of us.

I'm unhappy about that decision. Very unhappy indeed.

ARTICLE: Medical Option Now Available After Miscarriage

New on Forbes.com...an article about miscarriage!

Medical Option Now Available After Miscarriage

By Serena Gordon
HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 24 (HealthDay News) -- Until recently, if a woman had a miscarriage early in her pregnancy, doctors often had to perform surgery to remove any remaining fetal tissue.

But according to new study findings, the medication also may be an option after pregnancy loss.

The researchers found that misoprostol was effective in expelling fetal tissue in 84 percent of the women studied.

"Basically, our study was a comparison of medical management versus surgical management for early pregnancy failure," said the study's lead author, Dr. Jun Zhang, an investigator at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.


Comments from the Peanut Gallery

When I was going to for the 2nd time, I asked my OBGYN for some kind of drug that I had read about that could help induce labor and allow me to miscarry naturally. He said he had heard about something like that but hadn't tried it before and was not very encouraging.

So instead of a D&C, I opted for reflexology and acupuncture. For my 3rd miscarriage, I added Chinese herbs. For my 4th, I threw some Reiki in the mix. I have not had to have a D&C for any of my miscarriages.

Ultimately, I prefer the all natural route to miscarrying than taking a pill. But anything is better than uterus scraping. Our bodies know what to do. We've been doing this for centuries. We are women, hear us roar!


Miscarriage and Hair Salons

Miscarriage and hair salons, you ask? No, this isn't revealing some new report out there that says hair coloring causes miscarriage, although during the last two years, I have colored my hair quite sparingly, only in true "beauty" emergencies such as on camera appearances and never when pregnant, just in case.

No, miscarriage and hair salons refers to my hair coloring experience today (remember, I'm not trying to conceive or TTC as us infertiles are known to abbreviate. Did I tell you how freaking long it took me to figure out TTC? Even longer to figure out AF. The rest is still Greek to me).

I was evening out my color because I'm doing a photo shoot tomorrow, and they're going to do really really close up shots and that multicolored, gray-strewn part down the middle of my head was not looking very photogenic.

So I'm sitting on the stool reading some gossip magazines (always better to read about the lives, loves and losses of others than my own). My eye was practically poked out by Britney Spears' bump on the cover of PEOPLE. But it was the conversation that poked me in the heart. Just a small stab, like with a toothpick made of steel with the pointy end soaked in acid. No biggie.

[Read the rest of the post...]