miscarriage blog: babyfruit - the miscarriage diaries

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This Is It - Levels #6

Well, this is probably one of the last entries under the category Pregnancy #5. Stay tuned for Miscarriage #5.

Levels were 4733.
2 days ago they were 3491.

Okay, that is that. Sorry to bring everyone on yet another rollercoaster ride but there it is.

Silver lining? Okay, let's spin this:

1. My elevated FSH levels mean it will be harder for me to get pregnant. Then again, I got pregnant first try without even trying so that isn't yet an issue. Being able to get pregnant is a GOOD THING.

2. Once I do get pregnant despite high FSH, I then have the same chance as any other 40 year old woman in terms of carrying a pregnancy to term - 20%. Well, at least that isn't 10% or 5% so 20% is a GOOD THING.

Somewhere in those crotchety eggs of mine are a few good ones.

Per my doctor, I am to continue what I'm doing tonight through Sunday night then get levels Monday morning and the Sonogram to make sure what we suspect (HELLO! What we KNOW!) is actually happening then she will let me deal with it by natural means.

She'll also still test me for NK Cells, etc. and the cost of that lab is only $85 US so not a big deal.

Then I have to prep myself for miscarrying again. Damn, I've gotten way too good at it.

I'm feeling drained and crampy. I wish I could just pull a plug and things would come out quickly and painlessly. Like pulling the stopper on a drain.


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