miscarriage blog: babyfruit - the miscarriage diaries

miscarriage obsessions, celebrity miscarriage, miscarriage in the news...survival for the miscarrying woman. For complete blog, go to Babyfruit.com


la la la la Update la la la la

1. Today's Levels:

hcG 11583
no longer a problem that they are not doubling - they are rising so that is good

Progesterone - 25.7
back up from 21.1 now that I'm doing suppositories 3x a day. Good sign.

2. Will do levels again Friday. If progesterone looks sketchy - or if I get nervous - we can start progesterone shots DAILY in the BUTT for 4 WEEKS. Once Week 10 rolls around, if things still look viable, shots will stop and if progesterone is low, suppository supplements will be given again.

I called my RE and asked "Am I crazy if I want a sonogram on Friday instead of having to wait until Monday?" and she said "Call them and tell them I said to change the date."

Simple as that. No doubting. No condescending remark. She is my favorite medical practitioner EVER.

G. and I just want to HEAR the heartbeat. Seeing a little flickering speck is one thing. Hearing it may put our minds at ease - at least a little more.

I just want to get to the place where I can be HAPPY. Right now, I'm hovering in UNDECIDED.

RE also says if boobs stop hurting, call immediately and get levels checked. She is not taking any chances. Such a relief.

To read the entire blog uninterrupted and uncensored, go to Babyfruit at http://babyfruit.typepad.com/baby/


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