la la la la Update la la la la
1. Today's Levels:
hcG 11583
no longer a problem that they are not doubling - they are rising so that is good
Progesterone - 25.7
back up from 21.1 now that I'm doing suppositories 3x a day. Good sign.
2. Will do levels again Friday. If progesterone looks sketchy - or if I get nervous - we can start progesterone shots DAILY in the BUTT for 4 WEEKS. Once Week 10 rolls around, if things still look viable, shots will stop and if progesterone is low, suppository supplements will be given again.
I called my RE and asked "Am I crazy if I want a sonogram on Friday instead of having to wait until Monday?" and she said "Call them and tell them I said to change the date."
Simple as that. No doubting. No condescending remark. She is my favorite medical practitioner EVER.
G. and I just want to HEAR the heartbeat. Seeing a little flickering speck is one thing. Hearing it may put our minds at ease - at least a little more.
I just want to get to the place where I can be HAPPY. Right now, I'm hovering in UNDECIDED.
RE also says if boobs stop hurting, call immediately and get levels checked. She is not taking any chances. Such a relief.
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