Miscarriage and hair salons, you ask? No, this isn't revealing some new report out there that says hair coloring causes miscarriage, although during the last two years, I have colored my hair quite sparingly, only in true "beauty" emergencies such as on camera appearances and never when pregnant, just in case.
No, miscarriage and hair salons refers to my hair coloring experience today (remember, I'm not trying to conceive or TTC as us infertiles are known to abbreviate. Did I tell you how freaking long it took me to figure out TTC? Even longer to figure out AF. The rest is still Greek to me).
I was evening out my color because I'm doing a photo shoot tomorrow, and they're going to do really really close up shots and that multicolored, gray-strewn part down the middle of my head was not looking very photogenic.
So I'm sitting on the stool reading some gossip magazines (always better to read about the lives, loves and losses of others than my own). My eye was practically poked out by Britney Spears' bump on the cover of PEOPLE. But it was the conversation that poked me in the heart. Just a small stab, like with a toothpick made of steel with the pointy end soaked in acid. No biggie.
[Read the rest of the post...]