miscarriage blog: babyfruit - the miscarriage diaries

miscarriage obsessions, celebrity miscarriage, miscarriage in the news...survival for the miscarrying woman. For complete blog, go to Babyfruit.com


started my period yesterday. tried not
to be disappointed or stressed about
it seeing as how G. and I have just
started trying to conceive.

the plan: for the first few months just
estimate ovulation based on a calendar
and counting 14 days from the first
day of my last period to get a timeframe,
give or take 2-3 days either way. Okay,
so it isn't a science, but right now, we
want to be relaxed about it - have fun.

if that doesn't work, Plan B is to start
taking my Basal temperature (upon
waking each morning) and charting
out ovulation which happens the day
or two BEFORE there is a temperature
rise. so it will take a few months to
see a pattern.

if that doesn't work, Plan C is to buy
an ovulation lens which analyzes
your saliva to predict ovulation.

Plan D is to buy ovulation kits and
try to estimate that way.

and if by end of 2003, no conception,
to the doctor I will go.


it is 2003 and I am just starting the process
of trying to conceive.

i'm 38, fairly healthy, fairly fit.
i say fairly because you just don't know
when you are trying to get pregnant.
am i healthy enough? fit enough?