miscarriage blog: babyfruit - the miscarriage diaries

miscarriage obsessions, celebrity miscarriage, miscarriage in the news...survival for the miscarrying woman. For complete blog, go to Babyfruit.com


I've tried to be less obsessive. Yes, a
challenge for me, I know, but it seems
to be working.

I'll have my first official prenatal lab work
done Monday, then my first prenatal exam
Thursday of next week.

Then I'll sign up for the Quad Screening
in March (for genetic defects).

Other than that, I'm feeling pretty normal.
A smidge queasy when I haven't eaten for
a few hours - like right now - so I better go
get some yogurt or cottage cheese.

Still uncomfortable at night - it is this strange,
non-specific discomfort that just makes me
toss and turn which is highly unusual for me.
G. says I am usually the most peaceful, quiet
and still sleeper he has ever known. But right
now, with all my sighing and rolling over and
whimpering, that isn't the case.

Still rubbing natural progesterone cream on
my belly in the morning and at night. Who
knows if it is helping.

Relax, mellow.


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