miscarriage blog: babyfruit - the miscarriage diaries

miscarriage obsessions, celebrity miscarriage, miscarriage in the news...survival for the miscarrying woman. For complete blog, go to Babyfruit.com


yesterday, I was feeling pretty
normal. a little tired. but nothing
too unusual.

when I don't eat frequently, I do
get a little queasy and dizzy, so
I try to eat something the moment
those feelings come on.

one day the boobs hurt, the
next day they don't. one day they
look like someone else's breasts,
the next day, they look like the
ones I remember having all these

I opted not to have the ultrasound
yet. I'll wait until the 8 week checkup.
I'm finally feeling like it isn't any use
checking on anything - it will all either
work out or not work out, nothing I
can do at this stage will make much
of a difference.

Today, I felt totally normal all day,
although I woke up very early in the
morning feeling almost nauseas, but
ate a ginger snap and saltine and
it subsided. Was it wishful nausea?

Last night and the night before, I could
not get comfortable all night long.
Tried my right side - not comfortable.
My stomach - not comfortable.
My back - not comfortable. Even the
left side, which is the one you are
supposed to get used to sleeping on,
was simply not comfortable no matter
what I did.

symptom check:
breasts a little sore

that's about it for now.
taking the "wait and see"


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