I spent last week in a panic over spotting. I spotted for 3 days in a row and experienced mild - I was careful to analyze them and they were mild - cramping during the day and at night.
I was certain I was miscarrying.
According to calculations:
1. First day of last period: July 30, 2003
2. Ovulation: around Aug 12 if you count 14 days
3. Probably conception: Aug 12
4. Implantation: 14 days later so the week of my period being due: August 26th or so and this is where some women experience some bleeding/spotting (when the egg implants in the uterus). I did not at this time.
5. Spotting: Sept 1, 2 and 3. Immediately I think it cannot be implantation bleeding.
I finally got an early appointment with a Certified Nurse Midwife in Colorado.
She thinks that I actually conceived around August 20 which makes the spotting I was experience most likely implantation bleeding. Which is a relief. Which means that I'm a late ovulator which I actually had suspected when I started using the Donna Ovulation Saliva Kit.
But I'm still skeptical about this whole pregnancy thing. I don't feel pregnant yet as far as I can tell. I did feel very pregnant for the week after the pregnancy test was positive (Aug 26) but then the feelings went away.
The CNM said I shouldn't really feel anything but tender breasts until a few weeks from now. So right now, I'm just curiously thinking I might be pregnant but who knows?
Another sign of pregnancy: Closed cervix. Yeah, she says mine is closed.
I'm just trying to eat write, rest, exercise lightly.
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